PORTSMOUTH, Va. (WAVY) — Portsmouth City Council voted Monday to rescind the controversial city assessor appointment from just last week.

The special closed meeting on the vote was scheduled for 5 p.m. Monday at Portsmouth City Hall. The agenda item from City Clerk Debra White said the motion was brought forward by four members of city council.

This comes just days after WAVY reported that the man appointed to take over as city assessor, Anthony “Tony” George, has either resigned or been fired from two high-profile assessor roles in the past.

In 2012, he resigned from a chief appraiser role in Washington, D.C. after the Washington Post reported his settlements with commercial property owners cost the city $2.6 billion in tax revenue. George was also terminated as assistant chief appraiser in Fulton County, Georgia, after concerns that he forced lower-level staff to lower property values against their wishes.  

Only Councilman Vernon Tillage Jr. said anything about the situation in the public meeting Monday.

“In light of what has transpired in the last week and the majority of council was unaware of the release of Culpepper, only two members of the council knew,” he said.

Tillage Jr. then brought a motion to change the personnel committee assignments from Councilman Bill Moody and Mayor Shannon Glover to Glover and Vice Mayor Lisa Lucas-Burke.

WAVY contacted Mayor Shannon Glover, Vice Mayor Lisa Lucas-Burke (who moved to appoint George) and City Clerk White last week for comment about the hire. White responded Monday and said the city could not comment on personnel matters. Lucas-Burke told 10 On Your Side’s Lauryn Moss she could not speak on personnel matters, but more could come out shortly. Mayor Glover declined to talk and said it was a personnel issue.

Councilman Bill Moody did respond to WAVY’s request for comment last week. He couldn’t go into detail on personnel matters, but said the move to appoint George “reeks of politics.”

George’s appointment came moments after revelations that former Interim City Assessor Janey Culpepper would not remain in her post amid undisclosed allegations. Culpepper said the allegations, which she believes have to do with a request made to City Treasurer Paige Cherry’s office, were blown out of proportion and she has “nothing to hide.

The Portsmouth City Attorney’s Office started an investigation into those allegations, but Culpepper was replaced last week before the investigation was completed.

George was appointed in a 4-3 vote last Tuesday, with Vice Mayor Lucas-Burke, Councilman Mark Whitaker, Councilman De’Andre Barnes and Councilman Vernon Tillage, Jr. voting yes.

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