We are going to have some good weather for travelers in the region today, and we are going to have some good weather in the area for the new year tonight.

Travel Forecast

High pressure is in the area. So we’ll have lots of sun during the day. It should be pretty nice out. By this evening we’ll have a few more clouds coming in, but there won’t be any precip. This will be a weak upper level disturbance. Temps will be in the upper 30s before midnight.

Weather This Evening

Tomorrow we’ll be partly cloudy with more clouds late in the day. High temps will be in the low 50s. A cold front will enter the area in the evening. So we’ll have some scattered rain showers.

Future Trak (Monday Evening)

This should clear out by Tuesday morning. Then we’ll have some clearing. High temps will only be in the upper 40s, and it will be breezy. We’ll be dry on Wednesday with highs in the 50s. Then we’ll have some scattered rain showers on Thursday with the next system.

It looks like we are going to end above average for precip for the year now, and we are going to finish well above average for the month of December.

Rainfall Climate
Month-By-Month Precip

After the very dry Fall we got caught up very fast this month. The ground has been SOGGY! We will finish above average for the month of December for temperatures. Look at the weird pattern for the temps though. 2-4 warm days and then 2-3 cool days…Then warm again.

December High Temperatures

We will likely finish above average for the year as well. I just don’t know how far above yet.

Have a safe and happy New year.

Meteorologist: Jeremy Wheeler