VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. (WAVY) – Virginia Beach Councilwoman Sabrina Wooten announced on Thursday afternoon she plans to run for mayor in the upcoming 2024 election.

She joins fellow council member Chris Taylor and former council member John Moss in signaling her intention to unseat Mayor Bobby Dyer, who has also singled he plans to run for another term.

Wooten was first elected to represent the former Centerville district in 2018. She now says that it is time for her to lead the City she loves.

“Envision a Virginia Beach bold, strong, inclusive,” Wooten said. “Including the young and the old, the rich and the poor. Black and white and everyone in our community.”

Wooten listed her accomplishments as working to spearhead the formation on an independent Citizens Review Board and changing the conduct of the public contracting process following a citywide disparity study.

“As Mayor, I will be committed to building on the foundation we’ve laid together,” Wooten said. “Virginia Beach deserves a leader who envisions a future where every voice is heard, and every resident has the opportunity to thrive.”

If either Taylor or Wooten are elected, they will be the first African-Americans to hold the seat in Virginia Beach.

When reached for comment on the announcement, Dyer said he learned of it via WAVY-TV.

“The more the merrier,” Dyer said. “I have my record to run on and plan to do just that.”