After 2 months of above average temperatures almost everyone and everything have put Winter out of their mind and are thinking Spring thoughts. However….it is still Winter, and we might be feeling it again soon.

Today is going to be nice, and we did just come off of a great weather weekend! High temps were in the 60s both days with lots of sunshine. High pressure built into the area Saturday into Sunday. Now it is anchored over the Mid-Atlantic.

Regional Weather Map

There is a fast moving area of low pressure and cold front off to our west. More on that in a moment. We’ll have fair skies all day with high temps rising to near 60 degrees this afternoon.

Forecast Temps Today

We’ll probably hit some mid 60s inland, but it will probably be just a bit cooler near the shore. There will be a steady northeast wind at 8-12mph. So it will be a bit cooler near the shore and warmer inland. So enjoy the day.

Outdoor Forecast

Keep in mind that tree pollen is moderate and grass pollen is low.

Tonight we’ll have the wind pick up out of the south. So we’ll actually warm up a bit tonight after bottoming out around 50 degrees. Temps will warm up until mid-morning tomorrow.

The fast-moving cold front, that I mentioned earlier, will sweep in during that time. We may see some isolated showers in the morning with the front.

Future Trak (Tuesday Morning)

The wind will really pick up out of the north. We’ll have some gusts to 30mph.

This will drop temperatures into the 50s by the afternoon.

Forecast Temps Tomorrow Afternoon

We’ll be dry most of the day except for that 20% chance for an isolated shower in the morning.

Temps will keep dropping. We’ll bottom out in the mid-upper 30s Wednesday morning. Remember though, it is typically colder in our inland locations. So frost could cover a large area during that time. We’ll have a lot of sunshine through the day as high pressure builds in. However, high temps will only top off in the upper 40s to near 50 degrees.

Forecast Temps Wednesday

We’ll stay dry and cool on Thursday with high temps in the low 50s. Lows will be in the 30s again. Frost will be possible again. We’ll have a repeat on Friday, but there may be some spotty showers late in the day. We’ll warm up a little next weekend, but some long-range models suggest that we could get hit with some even colder air next week. We’ll see.

Either way you will want to prepare for possible frosts and freezes over the next couple of weeks. When it happens you will want to cover your outdoor plants at night with a tarp, some mulch, or even a trash bag. Be sure to keep them watered and healthy. Also, you will need to drag the potted plants back in the house. I’ll talk more about all of that in tomorrow’s forecast.

Meteorologist: Jeremy Wheeler