CHESAPEAKE, Va. (WAVY) — Drug and gun charges were certified Tuesday against a Chesapeake man charged in a deadly traffic stop.   

28-year-old Holden Medlin faces six counts connected to the incident last July, in which his passenger, 19-year-old Sarah Wilson, shot and killed herself.

Police pulled over Medlin on Berkley Avenue and Wilson Road. They say one officer handcuffed Wilson’s hands behind her back while others tried to detain Medlin. While Medlin struggled with police, officers said Wilson somehow got ahold of a gun and took her own life.

Officers told that the gun did not belong to police. They also said that although one officer was wearing a body camera, there is no footage because it turned off during the struggle with Medlin.

Wilson’s mother told 10 On Your Side she believes police did something wrong, or else her daughter would still be alive.

Medlin is already a convicted felon. Police say they found oxycodone, suboxone and a syringe on him. He also faces gun charges.

The police department’s Ethics and Conduct unit is condcucting an internal investigation into Wilson’s death.  A police spokesperson told 10 On Your Side that is standard procedure when officers witness a person’s death. 

We reached out Tuesday, and are waiting for an update on the status of that investigation.