I’ll tell ya what, this nor’easter has been giving me agita all weekend, taking the dog out at 3a.m. I noticed pockets of clear skies, Orion’s belt shining bright in the night sky! What gives!? Where were the clouds & drizzle!? Well, the clouds have since returned to our skies and so have some areas of light rain and drizzle. After a big cup of coffee and a few good looks at the satellite picture, the forecast is back on track and it’s another day to stay in & relax.

Rough surf & seas, with ocean over wash near Rodanthe.

The wind will crank throughout the day, causing issues with the high tide cycles, especially along the Outer Banks. Ocean over wash on Highway 12 is occurring with this morning’s high tide near Rodanthe, expect more of the same for the next one to two high tide cycles. Around Hampton Roads, minor flooding is expected in those low lying areas due to the high tide (similar to yesterday).

Flooding expected over the next few high tide cycles, especially along the Outer Banks.

The Outer Banks and coastline of Virginia is where the brunt of the wind will be felt. Gusting to 30mph this morning, it’ll only increase into the afternoon. Expect gusts over 40mph along the Outer Banks, especially Hatteras.

Forecast winds this afternoon.

The area of low pressure is still down to our south and will remain south of Hatteras – it’ll move in a more easterly fashion today opposed to a northeasterly path. This keeps most of the heavier, significant rain south of us. Around Hampton Roads, expect pockets of light rain and drizzle throughout the day, with more steady rain along the Outer Banks.

High pressure builds in pretty quickly tonight, expect clearing skies with the wind cranking out of the north. Sets plenty of sunshine for a blustery Monday, highs should be in the low 60s. The wind finally backs off this week with a good amount of sun, highs will then rebound back to near 70° as we head into Veteran’s Day.

A nicer, calmer week ahead.

Watch the high tides, pour an extra cup of coffee and enjoy a gloomy, dreary Sunday.

Meteorologist Steve Fundaro