NEWPORT NEWS, Va. (WAVY) — A Newport News single mother of three can once again feed her family after a financial scare.

WAVY previously covered the story of Troyshella Randolph earlier this month regarding how her SNAP/EBT account got hacked.

On May 8, Randolph told 10 On Your Side she received her monthly SNAP benefit of $693 the previous day. She made a $40 purchase on May 7 at a local 7-11 without any problems. However, the following day her card showed a balance of zero.

“… immediately I panicked,” Randolph said.

Randolph said she knew she hadn’t spent her entire benefit of more than $600 in less than one day. She didn’t know where the money went or what she was going to do next to feed her family.

The city’s Department of Human Services told her she’d have to wait 10 days or more to get the money back.

“We should not have to wait for our food stamps if it’s being scammed and taken out of our accounts,” Randolph said.

It was a delay she and her three kids couldn’t stomach. 10 On Your Side reached out to the city of Newport News, and then contacted the Virginia Department of Social Services regarding the situation. That same night the money was back in her account.

“Right after the story ran, my worker contacted me and let me know to check my EBT card and the money was put back on there,” Randolph said. “It feels great. We’re not hungry, everybody’s happy, going to school and not worrying about food.”

A happy ending, but Randolph said the people in charge need to realize the importance of her story.

Randolph still needs to go to the doctor for an ear infection for her 7-year-old son as well as the orthodontist for one of her daughters, but at least now she has the means to put food on the table.

“I just want to thank WAVY News for coming out,” Randolph said. “You helped me to resolve the situation. It was something that needed to be heard.”

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