RICHLAND COUNTY, S.C. (CNN) — Some signs are popping up along the highways in South Carolina school zones.

They’re not reminding people to slow down; They’re reminding people to say a prayer.

Whether you’re driving by or sitting in the carpool line, this school year, you could be in a newly designated “school prayer zone.”

These signs are popping up around Richland County, thanks to non-profit Christ Teens.

So far, three signs have found new homes outside of schools in northeast Richland County.

“We want this next generation coming out of our public schools every 365 days to be productive citizens with wisdom, understanding, knowledge, skills and ability, you know, everything you would want from a graduation class,” Vanessa Frazier said.

To achieve that goal, Frazier says prayer over students, teachers and administrators needs to become more regular.

So, over the last three and a half years, Frazier designed the signs, and with the DOT’s approval, sold them to local churches to place on their properties.

“This is a perfect example of church and state,” Frazier said. “Where as we’re staying out of the area of the state, but we’re bringing it onto the land of the church.”

Jane Jorgenson, the wife of a South Carolina pastor, says “It’s not going to hurt anything to say a prayer. I think once you experience the power of prayer in your own life, you’ll be sold for a lifetime.”