These products help ensure furry friends’ shedding won’t get in the way of their positive health impact

A study has found that having certain pets in the home during pregnancy and infancy might reduce the child’s risk of developing food allergies. Cats and dogs specifically have been linked to a variety of positive health benefits for both owners and their children. However, pet ownership comes with many responsibilities, including shedding pet hair. These products let you pursue a healthier life for your family, no matter how many furry friends it includes.

About the study

The Japanese study evaluated data from more than 90,000 households, including 65,000 children. It concluded that exposure to cats or indoor dogs during early childhood development was associated with a reduced risk of the baby developing food allergies — up to 16% lower risk. Cats were linked to reducing the risk of allergies to eggs, milk and nuts, while dogs were linked to eggs, wheat and soy.

The mechanism is believed to be connected to the child’s gut microbiome, which is the beneficial bacteria that live within the digestive system. The microbiome affects the immune system, so having exposure to pets can strengthen that microbiome and children’s immune responses, preventing the development of allergies.

Other studies have connected pet ownership with lower rates of atopic dermatitis as well as asthma and other respiratory illnesses. Having pets in the household also contributes to a general increase in psychological well-being.

While the effect of pets on childhood food allergies is still being studied, researchers hope that these findings reassure new parents who are also pet owners.