
AFA provides heat safety tips for people with Alzheimer’s or dementia-related illnesses

(Photo courtesy: Alzheimer's Foundation of America)

(WFXR) — The dangerously high temperatures can lead to all sorts of health problems such as heat stroke, heat cramp, and heat exhaustion according to Ready.gov.

The Alzheimer’s Foundation of America (AFA) says the extreme heat can also have major impacts on families affected by Alzheimer’s disease and other dementia-related illnesses.

“The dangers of extreme temperatures, which can cause heat stroke in a matter of minutes, are magnified for someone living with dementia. Dementia-related illnesses can impair a person’s ability to know when they are thirsty or in danger of overheating, communicate basic needs, and remember heat safety protocols,” said Jennifer Reeder, LCSW, SIFI, AFA’s Director of Educational and Social Services. “Taking a few simple precautions can go a long way toward keeping your loved one safe.”

The AFA provided several heat safety tips:

Help the person stay hydrated

Watch for hyperthermia

Watch out for wandering

Look for signs that something is amiss

Take immediate action

Know where to cool down

Plan ahead

Have a long-distance plan if necessary

For more information about caring for someone with Alzheimer’s, you can talk to a licensed social worker by calling the AFA Helpline at 866-232-8484, sending a text message to 646-586-5283 or you can chat online on the AFA website.